Thursday, November 21, 2013

Homework Contest Winners!

By Pascal Dennis

Last month we held our first Lean Pathways Homework Contest.

The assignment was to draw a picture/doodle of the following:

Each team member, team, department and/or site in my zone of control are working with energy & commitment toward a shared goal.

As our regular readers will know, we strongly believe in drawing out complex ideas.

Translating a complex concept thus, helps us lock it in & make it our own.

Brain imaging shows that when we doodle thus, our entire brain lights up like a Christmas tree! We encourage you to practice.

Anyhow, our contest had an excellent response.

From Vishal M.
From Paul S.
From Lorna P.
From Michal R.

I'm pleased to announce that there are four winners - their drawings are attached, in no particular order. (Nice work.)

Our winners will all receive a signed copy of Reflections of a Business Nomad, yours truly's latest book.

Thanks to all who participated. If you didn't win this time, not to worry.

This was fun & we'll do it again.

Best regards,


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