Monday, March 10, 2014

Ethics Enables Leadership

By Pascal Dennis

Our Ethics blogs have generated plenty of good buzz -- thanks all!

A few more thoughts. Ethics enables Leadership - the way standardized work (STW) enables front line work.

STW reflects our current best and safest way of doing a given job. If we work to STW, we're confident we'll produce good quality & volume, with safety.

In a very real sense, STW protects us, giving us stability, continuity, confidence and freedom from anxiety.

Ethics entails standards of behavior which, if followed, provide very similar benefits.

The Cardinal Virtues, for example, provide constancy of purpose, mutual trust with team members and market partners, and reduce the risk of attack & prosecution.

Good Ethics provides predictability. Everybody in the organization can relax and focus on the job at hand.

It's much easier to achieve our Purpose, year after year. A pretty good return, no?

Ethics enables leadership. Good Ethics is good business. Say it three times aloud.

Now, it's damn high standard, especially for lowly sinners such as your faithful Business Nomad.

But we have to try.

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